EDIS (Emergency Data Interchange System) has been fully developed in-house at Queensgate Studios for CWC Services. Comprising server and mobile components, it is an information collection, enquiry and communication system designed for scenarios where people and/or items need to be tracked, traced or identified through an evolving incident or situation.
Mobile component
GS1 barcodes are used as the unique identifier for EDIS (other tokens are possible). EDIS starts when a barcode is scanned by the mobile device, logging it with a timestamp and geotag, and attempts to retrieve up-to-date information for the record from the EDIS server if available.
Once a barcode is scanned, data can be keyed into various fields for the record and photos can be taken. Data and photos are synchronised to the server and immediately available for any other handset scanning the same barcode.
The process repeats for handsets at different locations, building an accurate picture of when and where attending professionals came in to contact with persons/items, in addition to information and photographs about them, captured at that time and location.
Communication with the server takes place via any available data network, for example available WiFi, 2/3/4G data or bespoke portable WiFi base station. If the server is unavailable, for example in areas with poor mobile data coverage, EDIS still operates and buffers all enquiries, data and photo capture events on the handset until they can be synchronised with the server. Because all data are timestamped, the EDIS server can receive data points out of sequence and still build an accurate audit of where, when & what took place. For any barcode, the most up-to-date information will, where possible, always be available to every handset in the system.
Due to its vast selection of hardware form factors, the Android mobile OS was chosen for the EDIS mobile component. Apple, Windows and other mobile clients can be developed for EDIS upon request.
Server & administration
The server provides the communications engine for handsets in the system along with administration facilities for designated team members.
The admin system is accessed via a browser interface, making access possible from any location or device. Security is configurable; access can be provided via the web or restricted through secure VPN or closed network access. Point to point encryption is supported through the use of SSL on the EDIS server. Access can be locked to specific user accounts, devices or both as necessary.
Admin facilities including analysis, monitoring, data-mining and reporting can be built to the requirements of the organisation. In addition to general status, two system views are provided at present, Event view and Record view:

Event view provides a chronological view of events happening on the system in real time, with most recent events first. Any handset enquiry or data/photo submission is classed as an event. For example, if a barcode is snapped, a note is added to the file and the record submitted, two events are created, a query event (barcode snapped) and a subsequent update event (new note added). Each event also records the handset/operator, its time and location.

Record view allows a snapshot view to be made of the most up-to-date information for any unique barcode record in the system, along with photos held. Multiple snapshots can be made at any time over the course of an incident, allowing (for example) records to be compared, saved or printed at various points in time.
Both views support real-time 'as-you-type' filtering of all data in the system, variable pagination and sorting by different data fields for rapid analysis or enquiry. Geotagged records support instant mapping and navigation. Reporting, monitoring or additional views can be added to the system as required by an organisation.
EDIS has been developed for and is exclusively distributed by CWC Services, world leaders in the supply and development of Emergency Documentation systems. Click here to view CWC Services' EDIS product pages.
Though designed for healthcare, emergency response and patient tracking, EDIS technology is potentially applicable across a range of other industry sectors. We are keen to adapt the system for other organisations who would find the system beneficial; some examples being education, policing and logistics.
If you think EDIS technology could be beneficial to your organisation please use our contact form or email us to get in touch. For a demonstration or enquiries relating to emergency patient response please contact CWC Services to start the conversation!